Where is the money in the wedding business?
What do you think allows us to develop the business, to make profit and enjoy our life?
Actions! Actions that allow you not only to survive the crisis, but also to achieve good results. That is, actions must be effective and lead to what, in fact, we are working for - significant financial results.

And you should start with analyzing the situation. Yes, it’s a period of crisis. But people get married, go to parties, where cocktail dresses are mandatory dress code. There are places, they buy their clothes. If your product is not sold, then you have one of three reasons:
- no one needs the product you trade with;
- your prices are inappropriate (too high, or too low);
- you or your employees are doing their job poorly.
It's time to change something. Buyers are very demanding and fastidious now. People travel the world, follow the fashion week, read glossy magazines. They want to shop in beautiful, clean, modern stores. They want to buy fashionable, quality clothing and are willing to pay an adequate price for the right atmosphere.
Advice № 1: very carefully treat assortment. Work with manufacturers who can provide you with promotional materials, media support and competitive products.
Advice № 2: carefully treat the financial policy. If you have a beautiful interior, good range, friendly and attentive staff - do not be afraid of prices, do not reduce the level of your customers. However, do not lose those,who are ready here and now to pay a bit less than the stated price. Sometimes you can make concession to your margin, if the transaction is still beneficial to you.
Advice № 3: announce about yourself more often than before. Rather than play computer games and drink tea - create communities, fill and use social networks, do everything to promote your goods or services.
Ask what guerrilla marketing means, make a plan and follow it step by step. Good luck!